Celebrating Community in Rawdon
Formed in May 1959, the Rawdon Sunshine Dancers in November 1959 they displayed their exceptional talent in Sherbrooke on CHLT competing in the regular Saturday night emission of Pamarès des Quadrilles.
The dancers were Sheila Boyce, Donald Rothdram, Jocelyne Gareau, Grant Clayton, Betty Jean Pike, Leonard Tinkler, Isabel Pike, and Graham Christopher.
The Rythmiers are as follows - Linda Blagrave, Gilies Beausejour, Gaetan Beausejour,
Rejean Belair and Alban Menard.
Mr Harvey Rothdram was the coach and caller for these teenage dancers.
On winning in the quarter finals they qualified to go on to the semi finals scheduled for August 27, 1960. Once again the group showed exceptional talent and winning to go on to the finals in December.
Saturday, December 5th, they won a unanimous decision over the groups from Granby and Three Rivers.
The group was then scheduled to perform at the Annual Sherbrooke Fair. They placed 3rd in the provincial square dance competition.
The group was also invited to appear on T.V. at Burlington. Vermont.
At the celebration of the opening of the new school in Rawdon in the year 2000 this however much matured group certainly did not show any ageing as they entertained the audience with some very lively square dancing at the evening festivities. They had certainly lost nothing in the passing years. Judge for yourselves!